Datanet offers a wide range of satellite VSAT and teleport services covering primarily Africa. Its first grade Djibouti Teleport facility is ideally situated for government agencies and enterprises requiring quick response, redundancy, back-up or restoration services. The Djibouti Teleport offers state of the art facilities, services and on-site professionals. Services include:
- VSAT services (Shared TDMA and Dedicated SCPC)
- Hosting and Co-location
- Monitoring

Djibouti Teleport
Download Teleport Datasheet
- BringCom Dijbouti Teleport
Gateway to Africa and the Middle East
Satellite Coverage
The Djibouti Teleport has access to the following satellite beams which can be operational within 24 hours, subject to licensing, permitting and link budget approvals:
Orbital Arc: The teleport can view satellites from 132°E to 47°W.
The Djibouti teleport offers satellite access via five operational antennas:
- Intelsat IS-904 at 60° East (C-band Hemi Beam)
- Thaicom 6 (AFRICOM-1) at 78.5°East (C-band)
- SES NSS-12 at 57º East (East Africa Ku-band beam)
- Arabsat Badr-4 at 26º East (Ku-band FSS beam)
- APT Satellite APSTAR-7 at 76.5º East (Ku-band coverage)
Spare antennas are available to access other satellites.